Separating state from presentation using state providers
August 2023, by Maarten Nieber


In this article I will explain how we can get state from the server, store it locally and provide it to the React components that render the information.


The approach presented in this article is experimental. It has worked well for me in practice, but I expect that for many people it's too elaborate to consider using it. That said, I hope you find this article interesting for the ideas that it puts forward.

Sample code

There is a sample application, annotated with comments, that explains the approach. Enter the following commands to run it:

git clone
cd blog-sample-apps
yarn skandha-sample
# Open the browser at http://localhost:3000

Rationale and outlook

In the post about skandha I've explained how we can store data in containers that add behaviours such as selection and filtering. A complete solution for managing server state and local state requires more than this:

  • We must decide how the fetching of server data is triggered. E.g. do we fetch data when the React component that needs the data is mounted?
  • How can we determine the loading state of a resource that is used in some React component? We may show a special loading state (e.g. a spinner) if the resource is currently loading or updating;
  • How can we share state among different React components?

This article describes how I solve these issues. I will start by explaining how resource states are tracked. This is followed by a discussion on tracking queries and mutations. Then, I will explain how state providers are responsible for fetching the data and exposing it to the React components.